Incorporating user testing into the design process of websites and applications is a strategic approach that significantly enhances product quality and user satisfaction. It provides an invaluable opportunity for businesses to engage with their target audience and gather critical feedback directly from the end-users. This feedback is instrumental in refining the user interface and user experience, making it more intuitive and user-friendly, which is a cornerstone of digital product success.

When businesses integrate user testing early in the development cycle, they gain insightful data on user behavior and preferences. This data is pivotal for understanding how users navigate and interact with the website or application, allowing designers and developers to make informed decisions. Moreover, user testing helps in identifying any usability issues or obstacles that may hinder the user experience. Addressing these issues promptly ensures that the product is more aligned with user expectations and is free from frustrating barriers, leading to a smoother, more enjoyable user journey.

Moreover, user testing is a cost-effective strategy. It helps in detecting potential problems before the product goes live, reducing the need for expensive revisions or overhauls post-launch. Businesses can thus allocate their resources more efficiently, ensuring that development efforts are focused and effective.

In conclusion, user testing is not just a phase in the development process; it's a strategic investment into the product's quality and market success. By prioritizing user feedback, businesses can enhance usability, ensure a delightful user experience, and ultimately, foster product success. If you're embarking on the journey of website or application development, remember that integrating user testing is a critical step that can significantly elevate the value and appeal of your digital product.